Poison Prevention for Pets
March 5, 2025

March is Poison Prevention Month
Let’s work together to promote safe and healthy environments for our pets! Many top toxins and poisons overlap for dogs and cats, but there are some differences. Here are the top 10 for each.
Top 10 Toxins and Poisons for Dogs
These are the most common toxins that affects dogs. Please keep these items where your dog cannot get to them.
- Chocolate
- Mouse and rat poisons
- Vitamins and minerals
- Human and veterinary pain relievers
- Heart medications, e.g., beta blockers
- Cold and allergy medications
- Antidepressants
- Xylitol
- Acetaminophen
- Caffeine pills
Top 10 Toxins and Poisons for Cats
Cats are most commonly-affected by these 10 toxins. Use this knowledge to keep your cats safe and healthy.
- Topical, spot-on insecticides
- Household cleaners
- Antidepressants
- Lilies
- Insoluble oxalate plants, e.g., philodendron
- Human and veterinary pain relievers
- Acetaminophen, e.g., Tylenol
- Glow sticks
- ADD/ADHD medications/amphetamines
- Mouse and rat poisons
Top 8 Toxic Plants
Many common plants are toxic to pets, especially cats. It’s safest to keep these top plants out of your home:
- Azalea
- Calla lily
- Daylily
- Easter lily
- Hyacinth
- Hydrangea
- Morning glory
- Elephant’s ear
Recently, we shared 2024’s Top 20 Pet Poisons, which is another helpful resource. You may also want to refer to our Top 30 Toxic Plants for Cats & Dogs.
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Have You Considered a Professional Pet Sitter?
February 26, 2025

Top Questions for In-Home Pet Care
Pet Sitters International is an educational organization for professional pet sitters, and they created Professional Pet Sitters Week the first week of March. In-home pet care is growing in popularity, so we wanted to highlight this option. Pet sitters come to your home to care for your pet, including walks and playtime.
Pet Sitting Might Be a Great Option for Your Pet
If you travel or work long hours away from home, you may board your pet or ask friends/family to take them in. These options are usually just fine, but engaging a trusted pet sitter could be a great experience for your pet. Pet Sitters International (PSI) shares these benefits:
• Pets are happier and experience less stress at home.
• Diet and exercise routines are uninterrupted.
• Travel trauma for both owner and pet is eliminated.
• Pet’s exposure to illness is minimized.
• Untrained or unwilling friends/family/neighbors need not be called.
• In-home professional pet care provides added peace of mind.
You may be interested in finding pet sitters in our area, so we suggest checking out PSI’s Pet Sitter Locator. We found five pet sitters in the Cincinnati area. Choosing a certified pet sitter can add confidence to the decision to allow someone into your home to care for your pet.

How Can You Tell a Pet Sitter is Professional?
When interviewing a pet sitter, ask these questions to make sure you’re hiring a professional:
- Do you have a business license? This means they have registered their business with the Ohio Secretary of State, instead of running a casual side gig.
- What business insurance do you carry?
- What pet care training, education and certification have you achieved?
- How long have you been a professional pet sitter?
- What kinds of pets do you sit for?
- Can you provide references?
How Much Does a Professional Pet Sitter Cost?
PSI offers national average for pet sitting services. Here’s the chart.

Is Professional Pet Sitting the Career for You?
PSI’s goal is to help professional pet sitters provide excellent pet care and build a successful business. The organization offers a free guide titled, “How to Start a Pet-Sitting Business.” Here are our favorite tips from the guide, to help determine if professional pet sitting might be the right career for you:
- Evaluate your experience with animals and pet care. Have you cared for your own pets– for how long, and what species/breeds? Have you volunteered with animal organizations, like shelters?
- Know the education and training that you will need. Pet first aid, animal behavior and pet health education are all important.
- What experience do you have in any service industry? A large part of pet sitting is interacting with pet owners with friendliness and professionalism.
- Would you like to specialize or generalize? For instance, there’s the most opportunity for a pet sitter who can care for cats and dogs. However, if you have much experience with an exotic pet, that could be a good niche.
- It’s likely important that a background check shows a clear criminal history.
Pet sitting can be both a great career and great for pet owners. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning about this pet care option!
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Pet Health Awareness in February
February 19, 2025
National Pet Dental Month & Heart Month

Dental health is an essential part of a pet’s well-being. By taking proactive measures to care for their pet’s teeth, owners can help prevent dental problems and ensure their furry companions live long, healthy lives.
Heart Health
It is important that every dog and cat owner is empowered to recognize signs of heart disease in their companion animals. Regular veterinary check-ups are a key component in keeping your pet’s heart healthy.
6 Signs of Heart Disease in Pets
- Difficulty breathing
- Pale gums
- Weight loss
- Swollen abdomen
- Excessive tiredness or fainting
- Dry cough
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Celebrate National Love Your Pet Day
February 5, 2025

Why We Love Pets: 10 Reasons
Our cats and dogs are so lovable! For National Love Your Pet Day on February 20, let us count the ways.
- Pets enrich our lives and are a delight to take care of
- They accept us for who we are
- They’re always available to share time together
- Usually, they have a forgive-and-forget attitude, especially if offered a treat
- So, so, so cute!
- Their antics are more entertaining than TikTok
- Sharing a nap together
- They give us something to talk about when we need to make human conversation
- But pets don’t require small talk, and that’s a relief
- However, if you enjoy talking to yourself, you can always say you’re talking to your pet
More Inspiration for National Love Your Pet Day
We love celebrating pets! Here are three more articles with ideas and inspiration. Tell you pet we love them!
There are a million reasons we love pets, and a million more to love our own special cat or dog! The best way to show your pet love is to ensure their best health. Learn more about Wellness Care to help your pet live their happiest, healthiest life.
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National Cat Health Month: Know the Signs of Cancer in Cats
January 29, 2025

6 Million Cats Are Diagnosed with Cancer Each Year
No one wants to imagine their precious kitty being diagnosed with cancer, but it’s important to know the signs, just in case. February is National Cat Health Month, so we’re highlighting this one aspect of cat health now. PetCure Oncology reports that over six million cats are diagnosed every year. They also share these facts:
- Some cancers are more likely in cats aged two to six
- Cats with FeLV are at higher risk of cancer
- Purebred cats may suffer from cancer at higher rates
10 Early Signs of Cancer in Cats
The Pet Cancer Foundation provides a helpful guide to learn the symptoms of cancer in cats. Take a look at the signs, although you’ll probably notice that many of these symptoms are common to several different illnesses.
Cancer in Cats: Behavior Symptoms
- Hiding more than usual and for longer than expected
- Pain and discomfort that results in irritability, wincing or lashing out when touched
- Unexpected or unexplained weight loss or weight gain
- Urinating more or less often than usual
- Constipation or diarrhea
Cancer in Cats: Coat and Face Symptoms
- Nose: Changes to the color or texture of your cats nose, or nosebleeds
- Mouth: If you notice a strange odor, sores or wounds in the mouth. Also, if you cat is scratching their mouth
- Skin: Be aware of any lumps, bumps, rashes or lesions
Cancer in Cats: Illness Symptoms
- Unexpected discharge from any body orifice, such as eyes, nose, ears, etc.
- Seizures, which can present as champing, chewing, shaking or foaming at the mouth
As always, if you notice any these symptoms– or if your cat’s behavior changes unexpectedly, reach out to your veterinarian. Because cats are so skilled at hiding illnesses, it’s especially important to take them in for wellness visits.
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A New Year’s Reflection on Our Favorite Memories
January 8, 2025
We wish a Happy 2025 to all of our patients, clients and team members! Let’s take a little time to reflect on the past year and some of our favorite photos.
Eclipse Day!
Who could forget the 2024 eclipse? We made sure to share safety tips for pets.

Sharing Our Pets for National Pet Day
Look at these sweeties!

Celebrating Veterinary Receptionist Week
Our amazing Veterinary Receptionists are the first voice you hear when you call and the first face you see when you walk in. They are critically important to patient care!

Recognizing National Mutt Day
We celebrated with Riggins.

Kitten Well Visits
We just love those kitty cuddles.

National Black Dog Day
Jedd came to see us on National Black Dog day!

Santa Visits Companion Care Animal Hospital

Thank you for sharing a wonderful year with us, and we look forward to seeing you and your pets in 2025!
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Help Your Pet Have Safe & Healthy Holidays
December 20, 2024

From Foods to Decorations to Guests, Follow These Tips this Season
Christmas, New Years and all the winter holidays can pose some challenges for keeping your pet safe. Keep these simple tips in mind for happy holidays.
Holiday No-No Foods
These foods are dangerous for pets and need to be kept away from them.
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Bones
- Onions
- Garlic
- Grapes/raisins
- Candy
- Cooked bones
Poisonous Plants
Festive Christmas plants can also be dangerous for curious pets. Consider artificial replacements for:
- Poinsettias
- Holly
- Mistletoe
- Lilies
Decoration Safety
Everyone loves beautiful holiday decorations! Follow these guidelines for decor that both people and animals can enjoy.
- Put out candles if you are leaving the room
- Tape down any electrical cords
- Avoid tinsel
- Cover the water pan under the Christmas tree
Managing Your Pet Around Guests
Help help your pets successfully interact with guests takes a little planning. Here are some ideas.
- Make sure their ID tags are up-to-date
- Hold onto your pet as people enter the house
- Introduce your guests to your pet
- Teach kids the proper way to treat a pet
- Make sure nobody feeds them from the table
- Give your pets a safe place to get away and have quiet time
Cold Weather Safety
- For outdoor pets, make sure to offer fresh (unfrozen) water, warm bedding and wind-free shelter
- Keep your pet away from antifreeze and other cold-weather chemicals like de-icers
- Remember that elderly and infant pets are the most vulnerable to cold
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2024’s Top 20 Pet Poisons
November 20, 2024
An Alarming Increase in Incidents Involving Antidepressants
In the last year, chocolate, grapes and raisins have claimed the top spots in Pet Poison Helpline’s call volume. These toxins account for over 25% of all calls. So, especially as we enter the season of holidays, it’s important to keep these foods out of reach of your pet.
Next on the list are common toxins ibuprofen (Advil) and bromethalin (rat poison). Calls for these toxins are over 7% of the total.
Climbing the list in this deadly popularity contest are antidepressant and antianxiety medications. These only account for 3.5% of total call volume to Pet Poison Helpline over the last year, but the increase is alarming. Over the last five years, pet poisoning calls for these medications have increased 80%. So, if you or someone in your household has a prescription for antidepressants and/or antianxiety meds, please keep them safely locked away from pets (and children).
Pet Poison Helpline’s Top 20 Toxins List
Here’s the full list of top 20 pet toxins from the last 12 months, tracked by Pet Poison Helpline

Small percentages still show many call cases received, since Pet Poison Helpline serves thousands of callers each year. So, don’t let up with your vigilance in keeping coffee beans, coffee grounds, thyroid hormone medication or beta-blockers safely away from your pets. Just because a toxin is less common doesn’t meant it can’t affect your pet.
Top Clinical Signs of Toxicity in Pets
Helpfully, there’s also a list of the top 20 clinical signs to look out for with toxicity. Check them out. This knowledge might just save an animal’s life one day.

Animal Poison Control Options
If your pet has ingested a suspected toxin, and you can’t get in touch with your veterinarian, these animal poison control lines are good resources:
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Senior Pets: Health & Adoption Awareness
November 7, 2024

November is Senior Pet Health Month, Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month & National Pet Diabetes Month
In November, we count our blessings. Which is why we published our list of 10 Reasons to Love Senior Pets. We also know that senior pets benefit from a little more attention to their daily health.
“Age is not a barrier to a happy, healthy pet.”
Basic Considerations When Caring for Senior Pets
As your pet ages, you’ll want to learn more how to care for them in various ways, such as:
- Increased veterinary care
- Diet and nutrition
- Parasite control
- Vaccinations
- Maintaining mobility
- Mental health
- Environment
- Reproductive diseases
Your veterinarian can guide you on the steps to help your senior pet live their happiest, healthiest life. We recommend making an appointment to talk in person and make a plan.
National Pet Diabetes Month
It is estimated that one in 300 dogs and one in 230 cats in the US have diabetes. As your pet ages, you especially want to learn more about this disease. Here are the symptoms of diabetes in pets:
- Increased thirst and urination
- Weight loss
- Cloudy eyes
- Altered appetite
- Lethargy or weakness
- Poor coat
- Vomiting
Previously, we shared more about “Living with Diabetes: Your Pet.” The good news? With proper attention and veterinary care, diabetic pets can enjoy quality lives.
So, if you’re considering adopting a pet, we encourage you to meet a few senior pets. And if you already have a senior pet, give them a hug from us!
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Senior Pets: So Much to Love!
October 29, 2024

November is National Senior Pet Month
Do you have the joy of a senior pet in your life? If you don’t yet, you will as your cat or dog ages. These golden years are often a beautiful time full of special moments.
Here are 10 reasons we love our senior pets.

- Senior pets have time to cuddle (those younger pets don’t always have the patience!)
- We have years of joy with our senior pets. Cats are considered senior around 10 years of age. Small dogs are also seniors around 10 years, while larger dogs are seniors around 8 years of age.
- Senior pets have had years of life to learn how to show love and affection, i.e., socialization
- Life is calmer with a senior pet, and they usually have outgrown mischievous behavior
- These pets will take naps with you!
- When we’ve shared our life with a pet for many years, we know each other so well. Your pet probably knows what you’re going to do or what you’re feeling better than you do
- Your senior pet has also built up good habits specific to what you care about. For instance, my dog knows the difference between his toys and the kids’ toys
- Senior pets are also wonderful to adopt and start a new relationship with. They are so grateful for the peace and love that come from finding their forever family
- It’s easier to be present and treasure each moment you have with your pet, knowing they are in their sunset years
- We can feel good about giving a senior pet their best life, helping them live happily and healthily. Wild animals don’t get to enjoy “retirement.”
You probably want to add to this list of “Why We Love Senior Pets!” Visit our Facebook page to share your stories and thoughts.
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